
Backer’s update December 23

Hello, MOTM Backers Community!

As we continue on this incredible journey together, I wanted to take a moment to extend a huge thank you to each and every one of you. Your support, enthusiasm, and belief in Man of the Match have been the driving force behind everything we do. We are building this game not just for you but with you, and it’s a partnership we deeply value.

Progress in Game Development
The journey so far has been exhilarating, with significant progress in both the simulation and management aspects of MOTM. Our team is dedicated to creating a gaming experience that is not only entertaining but also immersive and realistic. Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been up to:

Investment Journey
On the investment front, there’s a lot happening behind the scenes. I’ve had the opportunity to meet with several potential investors who have shown great interest in MOTM. While I’m unable to share specific details at this moment (to ensure the integrity and success of these negotiations), I can tell you that these discussions are positive. Deals of this nature usually take time, often 6-12 months, depending on various factors, including the current financial landscape.

We’re optimistic about these potential partnerships, and I assure you that every step we take is with the goal of making MOTM a groundbreaking success in the world of gaming.

Your Questions Answered
Before I sign off, I want to address something important. Recently, I asked you to share your questions about MOTM, and you responded with great curiosity and enthusiasm. Here are some of the questions you raised, along with our responses:

  • Alessandro Asks: “It would be interesting to integrate MOTM with VR for spectator mode.”
    • Answer: Indeed, Alessandro, integrating VR is something we’re considering for an immersive spectator experience. While it’s a goal for us, it may not be a feature available on the first day of MOTM’s release as we need to prioritize other core features first.
  • Alexx Asks: “Will the gameplay be more simulation or arcade?”
    • Answer: You’re in luck, Alexx! We’re focusing on a simulation-based approach. The video we just released shows our emphasis on realistic ball physics and player movement.
  • Bonanza Asks: “Shouldn’t fans play a bigger role in reflecting the club’s culture?”
    • Answer: Absolutely! Fans are pivotal in MOTM. They’ll have unique characteristics and needs, varying from club to club, influencing the game’s dynamics.
  • Andy Asks: “Will there be fixed contracts for human players and training areas for team sessions?”
    • Answer: Contracts between clubs and players are part of our plan, Andy. And yes, you’ll be able to train with your teammates in dedicated areas, building chemistry for matches.
  • Krayjd Asks: “What has reached the Kickstarter goal meant for you and the team?”
    • Answer: It’s been incredibly validating, Krayjd. It’s one thing to believe in your idea, but having the support of this community takes it to a new level. It’s also a strong signal to future investors about the potential of MOTM.
  • Hadef Asks: “Would the MOTM team abandon the project without funding?”
    • Answer: Currently, that’s not a concern. We have promising leads for investment, and our passion for this project goes beyond financial considerations. We’re here to build MOTM, come what may.
  • Rodrigo Asks: “How satisfied are you with the current gameplay and animation state?”
    • Answer: We’re excited about the gameplay’s realistic, slow-paced approach, Rodrigo. As for animations, we’re awaiting further investment to enhance them with professional mocap sessions.
  • Krayjd Follows Up: “Any idea on a timescale for development?”
    • Answer: It’s a bit fluid at the moment, Krayjd, as it depends on when we secure funding. However, we’re aiming for a working version within the next two years.
  • Bicky Asks: “With a simulation approach, will matches last longer?”
    • Answer: Likely, Bicky. The exact duration will be fine-tuned during playtests, but expect a more extended match experience compared to arcade-style games.
  • Bicky’s Second Question: “Any chance of a referee mode?”
    • Answer: We’ve decided against a referee mode to maintain the integrity of gameplay and prevent potential exploitation.
  • Rodrigo’s Second Question: “Will investors change the direction of the game?”
    • Answer: No, Rodrigo. Our agreements with investors will ensure that the game’s core vision and direction remain intact. Most investors we’ve met appreciate and support our vision for MOTM.
  • Deanish Asks: “What are the biggest issues in developing a football game from scratch?”
    • Answer: Great question, Deanish! There are plenty, and they vary from the simulation part of the game (to make the animations smooth, physics and interactions, and balancing the game) to the management part of the game (balancing economics and making the retrieval of the data quick enough for our players). But it’s part of the journey, and we love the challenge!

Looking Ahead
As we move forward, your continuous support and feedback remain pivotal. We are not just developing a game; we’re creating a community, a world where every player’s voice matters. Stay tuned for more updates, and feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions with us.

Thank you once again for being a part of this journey. Your trust and support mean the world to us, and we can’t wait to bring MOTM to life, a game that we all can be proud of.

Until the next update, keep the passion for the beautiful game alive!

Best regards,


motm Dev update December 23

Welcome to the latest development update for Man of the Match. As we continue our journey to create the most immersive and authentic football gaming experience, we are thrilled to share our progress with you. Please note that the features and improvements discussed are in active development and are shaping up to refine the game’s realism and playability.

Multiplayer Implementation

A significant milestone in our development has been the successful implementation of multiplayer support. Our current framework allows for 2 to 22 players to participate simultaneously, providing a robust and dynamic gaming experience. We have included footage of two players engaged in a match, showcasing our advancements in multiplayer interaction and gameplay mechanics.

Motion Matching Technology

We made substantial progress in motion-matching technology, ensuring smooth and lifelike animations for player movements. This technology not only enhances the visual appeal of the game but also contributes to the realism and authenticity of player interactions. We are excited about the potential of integrating AI-driven motion matching in the future, which will further elevate the responsiveness and adaptability of player movements.

Core Gameplay Mechanics

Foundational to any football game, we have focused on refining the basic systems of dribbling, passing, and shooting. These mechanics are crucial for a realistic and engaging football experience. Our team is dedicated to fine-tuning these systems to achieve a high standard of playability and realism.


In-Game Advertising and Sponsorships

To add another layer of realism and to support the game’s financial sustainability, we have introduced in-game advertising and sponsorships. These features are integrated into various aspects of the game, including training sessions, mirroring the commercial aspects of real-world football.

World Construction and Management System

The world of Man of the Match has been meticulously constructed, featuring detailed representations of continents, countries, seasons, and a comprehensive league system. This includes a sponsored Premier Division, enhancing the game’s competitive environment. Our advanced naming algorithm provides unique identities for staff, NPC players, and clubs, enriching the game’s immersive world.

Club and League System

The game’s ecosystem is populated with a diverse range of clubs, each with its unique identity and strategic significance within the management module. This aspect of the game offers players a deep and engaging management experience, where strategic decisions impact the club’s performance and progress.

British League System

Automated Generated People

Automated Generated Clubs

Our commitment to developing Man of the Match remains unwavering. We aim to deliver an immersive and realistic football gaming experience that allows players to fully immerse themselves in a virtual world reflective of real football. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for Man of the Match.



Coming soon

Football Fans Rejoice: Man of the Match, the Most Immersive Football Experience Yet, is Almost Here. Stay Tuned for More Details.